The Spaceman
Weened on golden age science fiction, his table top adventures began with the little black book edition of Traveller. Formerly know as the “Game Buddha” due to having an unusual number of connections to the local table-top RPG community; and he was quite large at the time. When he’s not working on the podcast, he goes by the name of Roger, and is the publisher of “Crimson Streets”.
His interests are:
Favorite TV Series: Battlestar Galactica (1978), Space: 1999, and Star Trek: The Animated Series
Favorite Movies: Labyrinth, Highlander, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and Wall-E
Favorite Anime: Whisper of the Heart and Macross: Do You Remember Love
Favorite Table-Tops Game: Legend of the Five Rings (AEG Editions), GURPS, FATE, and Gimme The Brain.
Favorite Computer Game: Skyrim VR (with lots of mods), Subnautica, and Half Life: Alyx