The Halfling
A geek girl from a very young age, she cut her teeth on the Lord of the Rings and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1st Edition) in High School. Sometimes called the “Queen Hobbit” due to being one of the few girls in her circle of geeky friends, and, she’s short. When not Podcasting, she goes by the name of Janet, and is the editor of “Crimson Streets” an online magazine dedicated to fiction in the style of the 1930s pulp magazines.
Her interests are:
Favorite TV Series; Stargate: SG1 and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Favorite Movies; Aliens, Jurassic Park, Labyrinth, and The Princess Bride.
Favorite Anime; Kiki’s Delivery Service, Tenchi Muyo!, and Full Metal Alchemist.
Favorite Table-Top Game: Exalted (RPG) and The Settler of Catan (board game)
Favorite Computer Game: online jigsaw puzzles.